Welcome to my blog. This is a spot where I hope to inspire thought and conversation about the past, present and future of libraries! If I may, let me explain the title of my blog "Bookin' It with Miss Dewey D." I use "bookin' it" in two senses. First and most obviously, books, in any format, are a big part of libraries and a great way to share information. I would like to give credit to my co-worker for creating the evergreen that is displayed in the background. The second meaning of the phrase "bookin' it" is that libraries are bookin' it--as in moving quickly--to keep up with all the advances in technology!
As anyone who works in a library probably know, us library professionals wear an information technology hat quite a bit! A blog that I really enjoy and find very helpful for technology/library related questions is called "The Travlin' Librarian." Here is his entry about how to embed a youtube video into your Power Point presentation:
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